The apocalyptic end times have finally arrived. What is coming to an end, though, is not what you have been led to believe.

Do you desire the truth about God, our foremost religions, the purpose of life and the future of our planet? Are you ready to challenge the religious powers that be to learn what most would rather not know?

If so, this revolutionary book will help you transcend the darkness on your eternal journey home to a God of pure, unconditional love (a God who has no cause or need to ever judge or condemn anybody). It heralds a paradigm shift of biblical proportions and will easily stand on its own as self-evident for all but the most closed-minded of readers.

The great spiritual awakening will soon be kicking into high gear, which is exactly what the apocalyptic prophecies long ago foretold and the spiritual realm has long been awaiting. As Jesus and a group of angels informed an atheist during his near-death experience in 1985, “The world is at the beginning of a major transformation. It will be a spiritual revolution that will affect every person in the world.”

Can you handle the truth? Are you ready to awaken? If so, this world-changing book is at your service.

Now available in hardcover, paperback and e-book formats at:

A trustworthy guide to an enlightened spirituality, this big-picture book:

  • Unravels the Bible’s apocalyptic prophecies in their entirety in a stunning interpretation that will trigger a theological earthquake of biblical proportions (for they contain hidden spiritual messages that contradict what has been confidently preached for all these centuries).
  • Illuminates the nature of evil and its well-cloaked ways, which is essential for unraveling the prophecies. This wisdom also yields a new and astonishing interpretation of the Book of Job that delivers a quantum leap in insight over those by psychiatrist Carl Jung (Answer to Job) and Rabbi Harold Kushner (When Bad Things Happen to Good People). As the first devout Christian to read this interpretation commented, “It rocked my apple cart to the core.”
  • Delivers the spine-tingling details of how Daniel’s prophecies foretold the future with amazing accuracy and precision for five centuries after the date when all scholars agree Daniel was on the historical record (160s BCE).
  • Promotes the teachings of Jesus and proves he was the “Anointed One” (Messiah) with a telescoping trio of prophecies (from Daniel) that foretold the onset of his ministry to the reign of the Roman Empire, to its first ten emperors in the first century CE and to 27–34 CE.
  • Overturns the prevailing scholarly conclusion that Daniel’s prophecies were a hoax written in the second century BCE. Instead, proves they were penned as advertised in the sixth century BCE while debunking the fundamentalist view that the biblical book is inerrant.
  • Shows that a spiritual awakening paradigm provides an almost infinitely better interpretation to the bizarre imagery of Revelation than a cataclysmic destruction paradigm. Although nothing can match Daniel’s mastery of forthcoming history, Revelation is just as impressive in foretelling the metaphysical story of humanity.
  • Describes how Jesus had come to uproot Judaism, but the version of Christianity that developed in his wake failed to make the paradigm shift. Erroneous tenets that should have been discarded were instead institutionalized in both theology and authority.
  • Explains how three independent dynamics converged like a perfect storm to generate the Holocaust and how mainstream Christianity was a critical force in creating or enabling all three of them. Moreover, shows how this religion was the primary reason America experienced the nightmare of slavery and the Civil War.
  • Presents an array of scientific evidence for the spiritual realm’s existence that complements its amazing demonstration that long-range prophecy is truly possible. It thus shows the atheistic religion of scientism is also doomed.
Written to serve your soul’s eternal journey and our planet’s spiritual awakening, the book presents these explosive insights with razor-sharp clarity.

The spiritual realm rendered the prophecies with a far greater purpose than to be a supernatural party trick in the 21st century. As an omniscient angel disclosed the milestone that would mark the fulfillment of all prophesied events, “When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed” (Dn 12:7).

All in all, Illuminating the Narrow Gate will shock the world by debunking the “fire and brimstone” theology of mainstream Christianity. Most Christians will either fearfully denounce it as a satanic assault upon their religion or courageously embrace it as the inevitable completion of the Reformation.

The Two Volumes

The book consists of two separate volumes. They are being sold independently so readers who do not want as many details only have to buy Volume I to get the core insights and revelations.

Volume I includes all 12 chapters. Volume II has 15 supporting and enhancing appendixes, but Volume I summarizes each of their bottom lines. A PDF document of the end matter published in Volume II (Endnotes, Bibliography, Index, Acknowledgments and About the Author) can be downloaded for free to make Volume I a self-standing book.

Exceptional Value

The book could have been divided and fluffed out into at least five different books of normal size and excellent value, four of which could have been deemed seminal works for rendering quantum leaps in their respective domains. Instead, these insights were condensed and integrated into a single book.

The reason was to gain a vital synergy (a result that is greater than the sum of its parts), deliver exceptional value, and to make as powerful an impact as possible. The book weaves them all together to answer the foremost question about any particular insight: what is its ultimate meaning?

Tightly written and trimmed, the book always gets right to the point as it canvasses an array of topics to paint an accurate panorama. For instance, Revelation is unraveled in a single chapter of 66 pages.

All in all, the book efficiently serves those who want reliable answers to the most vital questions of life. The cost of the two volumes is much lower than a series of five books, as is the time it will take to read the material. Moreover, you can cut those costs of time and money in half if you do not want the supporting and enhancing information of Volume II.

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