Next Book

Illuminating the Narrow Gate is focused on the Judeo-Christian paradigm, and its length prohibits a similar study of Islam. Nevertheless, Appendix O (“The Impact on Islam”) shows how its insights are also inscribing the writing on the wall for that religion. Because the appendix may tempt more Westerners into pinning the blame for modern evil upon Islam or its radical extremists, a forthcoming book will provide the counterbalance.

Illuminating the Reinforcing Cycle of Darkness: The Path to Reclaim the Soul of America shows how the United States and its enabling allies are not engaged in a battle of good versus evil, if you will, but rather are trapped in one of evil versus evil. For those who have awakened, the metaphysical dynamic is obvious: both sides are attacking the evil they only see in their enemy.

Shining the light of consciousness upon our own evil is the first step toward an enlightened foreign policy that can resolve a host of thorny problems in this win-win universe. All in all, the great awakening will be illuminating the religious and political darkness on both sides of the divide.

This material was originally intended to be a part of Appendix O and is already written, but more research is still needed on some of the historical details to ensure they have been accurately summarized. After that has been done along with a final round of trimming, editing and polishing, it will go into the publishing pipeline.

Publication date of Illuminating the Reinforcing Cycle of Darkness

*** TBD ***

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