
Blurbs About the Book

“This astonishing book is a masterpiece. Tremendous value, superbly written, explosive insights. Every part of it has purpose and comes together with synergy and harmony. Absolutely stunning. ‘Revolutionary’ is an understatement.”
— Jennifer Curran, book’s content editor

“This extraordinary book will change your life and may in turn save the world. A must read for anyone seeking the truth. The author does a phenomenal job of presenting a revolutionary paradigm shift in a scholarly, yet conversational, manner. To call this work a ‘book’ is a bit of an insult. This treatise is worthy of being considered one of humanity’s great works.”
— Steve Schmenk, owner of JCG Technologies

“Our world desperately needs this book if we ever want to overcome all that ails us, as it illuminates our predicament with razor-sharp insight and clarity: our beloved but misguided religions will keep us on the broad road that leads to destruction until we embrace a more enlightened spirituality. It’s a must read and incredible guide for spiritual growth and deeply understanding the roots of our violent history and divinely intended destiny. Please, please, please read it!!”
— Alexandra M. O’Hannon, raised and schooled in Catholicism

“ An exceptional book, I couldn’t recommend it enough! I’ve been on a path of truth-seeking and spiritual growth for decades and yet still learned so much. This groundbreaking book clearly and dare I say undeniably proves that the traditional interpretations of the monotheistic religions are dreadfully askew from ultimate truth. It challenges old paradigms and illuminates the path towards nothing less than personal and global transformation.”
— Lisa Rose Bennion, hospice nurse

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